I research spoken language, in particular in interactive and multi-modal scenarios, such as in spoken dialogue systems. My particular interests lie in responsiveness in interaction and I have been one of the main drivers of incremental spoken dialogue systems. Beyond that, I create and use corpora of spoken language, such as the Spoken Wikipedia Corpus. I like difficult problems, which is why I work on prosody, and even prosody of post-modern poetry, and more recently multi-modal lip-synchronous dubbing.
Feel free to have a look at my recent projects.
Recent News:
2024-07: Vinzent's and my paper on tuning RAG for citation quality has been accepted to KONVENS. We're looking forward to meeting everyone in Vienna this summer!
2024-06: Welcome Anish Gunda to our group. Anish is a DAAD-WISE funded intern from IIT Bhubaneswar working on translation with unpaired data.
2024-04: I'll be speaking at a trinational round table in Budweis, Czechia on 25. April. Hope to see you there!
2024-03: Thank you for a very successful ESSV. We hope everyone enjoyed their time in Regensburg!
2024-03: Great work Christian (and Shravan and Debjoy): nice contribution on whether we can read Merkel's response in her face, published at ESSV 2024.→Schuler et al. (2024)
2024-02: Congratulations Anish for securing DAAD-WISE funding for a summer internship! We'll be working on text simplification for better accessibility in Doctor's letters.
2023-12: Coming up: an exciting SDS talk by Manuel Kirschner of BSH (10.01.2024, 15:30, K002).
2023-10: We're organizing the 35th conference Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV) at OTH Regensburg in March 2024. Submit a paper and come join us!
2023-06: I'll be speaking at the KICO AI meeting for eastern Bavaria next week. Hooray!
2023-05: I'm participating in this year's I'm a Scientist, Get me out of here! on AI in communication. Please vote me out at your earliest convenience.
2023-04: I'll be giving a talk on Deep Learning for Post-modern Poetry in a AI Campus Eastern Bavaria meeting "Grenzgänger und Brückenbauer". Hope to see you there.
2023-02: I'm now officially afilliated with the Regensburg Center for Artificial Intelligence, rcai.de. Looking forward to networking with all of you!
2022-10: Hear me chat on the Science Bench at Regensburg's Nacht.Schafft.Wissen.
2022-08: Congratulations Shravan, Christian and Debjoy! Our detailed analysis of SyncNet for audio-visual translation will appear at ICMI!
2022-07: Congratulations go out to Christian Schuler and Dominik Hauser, who's DDLitLab project on an experiment toolkit for video manipulation and human perception evaluations was accepted. I hope that I can be a good mentor for the project which is a follow-up from Christian's Bachelor's thesis.
2022-07: My colleague Sebastian Fischer and I have been awarded the OTH Regensburg prize "InnovativeLehre@OTH", nice! We'll work with student assistants to advance software-engineering self tests (that go beyond checking the functionality but also check for coding style) into Moodle and our programming 101 classes.
2022-06: Congratulations to Matthias Melzer, who's work (joint with Jan Dünnweber) on interpreting smart home data with NLP methods is getting published at IEEE SmartIoT 2022.
2022-04: Congratulations Debjoy and Shravan! Our paper on a multi-modal corpus of 16 years of Angela Merkel podcasts will appear at LREC (and is already available on arXiv). → Saha et al. (2022)* 2022-03: Congratulations to Anna Windbühler, who's MSc-work in ML was not only very thorough and successful but also leads to a publication in the conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBC). → Windb\"uhler et al. (2022)
2022-02: Welcome OTH Regensburg! You can now reach me at firstname.lastnameÄToth-regensburg.de.
2021-12: I have accepted an offer from OTH Regensburg to become their new professor for AI and NLP starting in February. Hooray!
2021-11: I'll give a keynote at ESSV'22. I'm very much looking forward to meeting you in Sønderborg the virtual world!
2021-09: Ashutosh and my paper in which we evaluate heuristics for dubbing has been accepted at CHR'21. Yay and see you in November! → Baumann & Saboo (2021)
2021-08: Our summary paper about the SMOOTH robot has been accepted in Frontiers in Robotics and AI. → Krüger et al. (2021)
2021-06: Our Interspeech demo on subtitling integration into BigBlueButton was accepted. Yay and congratulations, Robert! → Geislinger et al. (2021)
2021-04: congrats Aditya and Debjoy for securing DAAD-WISE funding! We'll be working, together with returning intern Shravan and students from UHH, on TTS for automated dubbing this summer!
OTH Regensburg, Fakultät für Informatik und Mathematik
Prof. Dr. Timo Baumann
Seybothstraße 2
93053 Regensburg
office: K122
consultation hours: Tu 13-14; please make an appointment here or by e-mail (see above)
I occasionally do speech science and technology consulting. Feel free to contact me at mailÄŦtimobaumann.de .
Former appointments:
Acting professor for machine learning at the Department of Informatics at Universität Hamburg, Systems Scientist at the Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University; researcher and instructor in speech processing at Universität Hamburg (LT and NatS); research assistant at Bielefeld and Potsdam Universities before that. Various short-term appointments and free-lancing work with industry partners.